• Evolve Church Edmonton

    Every Sunday | 10am

    South Edmonton

    1851 94th Street NW

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    Bringing hope and belonging to a world that's ever changing.

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    • Alberta receives hundreds of refugees every year. As of March 2017, over 2100 Syrian refugees have settled in Edmonton.
    • 1 out of 8 Edmontonians live in poverty. Many of them are children.
    • There are currently over 40,000 children in our city living in poverty.
    • There were more than 20,000 individuals who received assistance from the Edmonton Food Bank in 2017. 
    • In 2017, Edmonton had the highest homicide rate out of all the major
    • cities in Canada. 
    • As of September 23, 2017, the city had a rate of 4.28 homicides per 100,000 people.
    • In 2012, only 27% of Canadians attended a public worship service of any kind at least once a month.
    • Over 431,000 Edmontonians profess no religious affiliation whatsoever. That’s 30.92% of our city’s population.
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  • Let's connect online

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