Welcome to Evolve Church
Our desire is for each person to belong, find hope in Jesus,
grow in their journey, and become someone who helps others do the same.
There will be no service this Sunday, December 29th.
Be a part of what's happening at Evolve all winter long and join us
January 5th at 9:00AM or 11:00AM for our regular Sunday morning gathering!
A place to belong, hope, grow and become
It is God’s desire that every person finds belonging in relationship with Him.
Family isn’t something we have to earn or qualify for. We’re born in. Jesus alone makes that possible. Because of Jesus, we’ve been given a new nature as sons and daughters. No longer slaves, we’ve been set free.
Eph 2:19, Rom 6:6, Col 3:9-10, Eph 4:22-25
We unapologetically believe that only Jesus provides humanity with salvation and hope that never fails.
Every human needs a Saviour. Jesus alone is our way, our truth, and our life. We’re all invited to surrender ever part of our lives to the transforming hope of Jesus, the power of His Spirit, and the truth of Scripture.
John 3:16-21, 1 John 2:2, Heb 7:25, Romans 5:1-19
Spiritual growth is a lifelong commitment to being formed by Jesus and the Spirit.
To grow is the goal. Bit by steady bit, we’re all being formed into the image of His own dear Son. Spiritual disciplines and practices are a significant part of this. It is vital that we take ownership of our own spiritual growth and formation. We also believe that spiritual growth comes to life in our relationship with others. It happens in rows, but it thrives around tables. It’s messy and beautiful, and it’s worth it.
2 Cor 3:18, Col 3:16, John 15:4-5, Eph 3:17-18
For every believer, there is a greater mission and purpose attached to how we live.
Becoming like Jesus is a deeper sacrifice in how we serve others, lay our lives down, and walk freely in love and forgiveness with the world around us. It’s choosing to surrender daily in how we’ve been commissioned and commanded to live. We make room for others. We look outside of ourselves. Jesus alone is our example for giving, serving, and laying our lives down for one another.
Phil 1:27, Matthew 28, Matthew 22, Col 3:1-3
© 2025 Evolve Church Edmonton | All Rights Reserved |
Sundays at 9:00am and 11:00am | Evolve Church | 1851 94 Street NW